Myths About Running In Morning Without Your Breakfast: Top 3 Myths

Running In Morning

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]elieve it or not! Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to running in morning. In case, you have not done your research yet, and still wondering whether running is good or not! You are at the right place. Also, would it benefit or take a toll on your fitness if you run on an empty stomach? Running is part of regular training, but running on empty question opens up a whole new level of debate. Keep reading to find out if running on an empty stomach is go-go or a no-no.

Muscle Gain Vs. Loss

One of popular opinion about gym-goers is that working out without proper nutritional breakfast lead to muscle loss. It doesn’t mean that your muscle will just disappear in a single day. It is a myth that without food intake your body goes straight into lack zone. In other words, your body lacks necessary carbs and sugar for the training
session. And, if you do exercise without breakfast then your body is forced to break down protein to get energy.

This point of view is not exactly 100% accurate. Your body is a highly sophisticated machine, it stores glucose (glycogen) in liver and muscles. During night time, body’s level of insulin decreases. But muscle glycogen is still in storage. On next day, so when you start running, your body first starts using glycogen, and later utilizes fatty
acid for fuel. Most runners stop their exercise at this point. However, if you continue then run a risk of dizziness, and fatigue.

Weight Loss

One of biggest myths about running in morning an empty stomach is that it is best way to lose some extra weight. While running, when done it right way can increase your consumption of energy, but it a not decisive factor in losing weight. During running your body creates quite high amount of energy. Even while doing high-intensity exercise your body energy consumption increases. Therefore, it is essential to have a balanced session. If you burn more energy than your consumer, then you can lose weight. In other words, only high-intensity running session on an empty stomach can help your shed some pounds.

Increased Endurance

Carrying workout sessions on empty stomach is not good idea for leisure athletes. A high-intensity training you can easily feel lack of glycogen. In other words, there is low stimulus for intended training. Results from high-quality workout last longer and offers increase in performance. One recent study shows a positive effect on workout
done with previously emptied glycogen stores. During these session body quickly learn about to make stored glycogen last even longer.

Wrapping Up

In case you are choosing to work out on empty stomach, then remember ‘GEL’ – gain, endurance, and loss. Muscle training and running on empty stomach can help you gain performance and endurance but only when done right. On other hand, doing exercise regularly on an empty stomach can lead to strength loss and fatigue.