In recent news, US President Trump and Obama directly barbs at each other. In the rival rallies, stumping in Pennsylvania for Democratic White House –
Joe Biden, Mr Obama associated Mr Trump to “crazy uncle”. Additionally, said he is a help to racists.
On the other hand, in North Carolina, Republican president mocked Obama. Moreover, he targetted Obama for being wrong about the outcome of the 2016 presidential elections.
It’s almost 12 days until US Presidential Election 2020. Mr Biden holds a solid lead. The margin is slimmer in many US states and could go either way. What will happen will ultimately be decided on November 3rd.
In these special times, Americans got into voting a bit early. In short! 42 million individual has already cast ballot vote.
Trump Says
Mr Trump is trained most of the fire in a rally of Gastonia. On Wednesday evening he put his best foot front over current Democratic challenger. Additionally, he shared that voter would be choosing from “Trump recovery” or “Biden depression”.
Mr Joe Biden is off the campaign trails, he got into preparation for the final debate. The schedule for final debate set on Thursday night in Nashville, Tennessee.
Mr President also took a pop on Mr Obama who hit the campaign trail in person. It is the first time since August political conventions that Mr Obama joined in.
Trump shares
Nobody than Barack Obama campaigned harder for crooked Hillary Clinton. Trump also told the rally, he was all over the place. I think the only one more unhappy than crooked Hilary was none other than Barack Obama.
Mr Obama now would hit the campaign trail in the pivotal election state of Florida. Travelling to Maimi on Saturday, and then to Orlando in the next week.